One day, meeting is no longer embarrassing, greeting is no longer strange, jokes are still happy, you really do not love him.
When you succeed, your story is a legend; when you fail, your story is a joke.
Before, I always felt that after breaking up, I could not be a lover, but also return to the position of a good friend. Finally, I found that I was wrong, love can not be so calm, everything is different, the characters are different, there have been different feelings, breaking up can only run counter to each other.
When you are patient and do the best you can, and become better and better, your hero will fall in love with you for the first time.
When we were young, we had no money, but we lived like a
every day.
I went to buy flip flops last summer. The boss has been boasting about how strong the flip-flops are and how hard I pull them. I've had a pleasant try and I've kept pulling them. The boss proudly took the flip-flop in my hand and said, "You don't have to work hard, young man. I'll show you how to do that."
So the flip-flop broke. I remember when the wind blew my boss's messy hair. He said life was difficult.
多少年过去了唯一不变的,还是那颗想发财的心。 愿你历尽千帆,归来特别有钱。
How many years have passed, the only constant is the heart that wants to make a fortune. Wishing you a thousand sails and a very rich return.
没必要急着成熟,最好的时光, 就是现在。
There's no need to rush to maturity. The best time is now.
I have also imagined countless times what I would be like if that person came back, including countless break-ups and break-ups afterwards, and finally realized that the problem could not be assumed, and that it would not be helpful for a person who was not right to do it 10,000 times again.
一个人成熟的三大标志: 脾气小,期待少,心态好、
真诚 !(精辟)、
一个人是否靠谱,就看这 3 点、
- 哀感顽艳 原意是指内容凄切,文辞华丽,使愚笨和聪慧的人同样受感动。后多用来指艳情的小说、戏曲、电影中的感人情节。
- 匪夷所思 匪:不是;夷:平常。指言谈行动离奇古怪,不是一般人根据常情所能想象的。
- 分茅裂土 原指古代帝王分封诸侯时举行的仪式。后称分封诸侯。
- 飞沙走砾 沙:沙土;砾:小石块。沙土飞扬,小石块滚动。形容风势很猛。
- 百无聊赖 聊赖:依赖。精神上无所寄托,感到什么都没意思。
- 分毫不爽 比喻没有丝毫差错。
- 比肩而立 比肩:并肩。肩并肩地站立。比喻彼此距离极近。
- 挨肩擦背 形容人多拥挤。
- 肥马轻裘 裘:皮衣。骑肥壮的马,穿轻暖的皮衣。形容阔绰。
- 不关痛痒 痛痒:比喻疾苦或紧要的事。比喻切身相关的事。指与自身利害没有关系。
- 不假思索 假:假借,依靠。形容做事答话敏捷、熟练,用不着考虑。
- 飞云掣电 掣:闪过。像流云飞和闪电一样。形容非常迅速。
- 不可开交 开:打开,解开;交:相错,纠缠。形容没法解开或摆脱。
- 不能自拔 拔:摆脱。不能主动地从痛苦、错误或罪恶中解脱出来。
- 非分之想 非分:不属自己分内的。妄想得到本分以外的好处。