Ask for more。 (Pepsi)
The choice of a new generation。 (Pepsi)
Obey your thirst。 (Sprite)
Impossible made possible。 (Canon)
Take Toshiba, take the world。 (Toshiba)
Take time to indulge。 (Nestle)
Fresh-up with Seven-up。 (Seven-up)
Come to where the flavour is。( Marlboro)
To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color。 (Hennessy)
Good to the last drop。
The new digital era。
We lead。 Others copy。
The relentless pursuit of perfection。
Behind that healthy smile, there';s a crest kid。
Time is what you make of it。 (Swatch)
Make yourself heard。 (Ericsson)
Intelligence everywhere。
Start ahead。 (Rejoice)
Things go better with Coca-Cola。 (Coca-Cola)
Just do it。
The taste is great。
A diamond lasts forever。 (De Bierres)
Mosquito Bye Bye Bye。 (RADAR)
A Kodak Moment。 (Kodak)
相關口号: 成都地铁“地铁新风尚,文明你我创”文明乘车口号、理性消费温馨提示语、廉政公益宣传口号、社会治安整治标语集锦、农村饮水工程宣传标语、“七五”普法公益广告宣传语、砀山县“梨花品质”表述语、交通安全公益宣传标语、农村道路交通安全宣传标语、老龄工作宣传标语Poetry in motion, dancing close to me。